Its the weekend…

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And it kicked off on the right foot. I ordered something for myself this week, a little treat kind of a thing and didn’t expect it till next week. Fed ex delivered it at 2pm yesterday lol Totally surprised me

Editing is going well, except for one glitch. There’s a scene I know I wrote, its still in my head but I can’t turn it up. Not on the computers. Not in my back-ups at yahoo and not in any of the handwritten pages or the print outs. So I have no clue where it disappeared to, but I know that at some point I did write it. Looks like I get to do it again. *sigh* Also have to decide where one character makes his grand appearance. I cut a couple pages which seemed a little slow but led up to him being in the backyard. Now with those gone, I need to move him somewhere else that makes sense. Probably think better once I have some caffeine in my system.

Anyone have any big plans for the weekend?

Nothing major for me. Still editing. Need to mail a package to some friends in Philly tomorrow. Most Haunted’s on tonight and it should be a ‘new to us’ episode.

3 Replies to “Its the weekend…”

  1. I’ve got the bones down of the scene, need to get the conversation right. The thing that gets me is I can totally remember writing it out at some point last month so its gotta be around somewhere.

    Yay on the writing!! I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked, but did manage to get some more office supplies 🙂

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