
A writer’s best friend? *shrug* Might just be in my case. I’m about 8K words shy of my 60,000 total though if I’m a few hundred or even 1000 short I’m not going to push myself for filler.Because I may have enough as it is. … Continue readingInsomnia…


A rambling word or two about agents.I’m beginning to think there should be a support group for us writers who are querying them. Right now I’ve got two partials out, one that was requested and one that I sent in in a query package (its … Continue readingAgents

InsomniaLast night was night #4 of my bout of insomnia. Not minding it so much since I seem to be able to get some more pages done on STTA. Yay on that. But its weird not crawling into bed before 4 am most nights. Some … Continue reading

Its March… I like March. Well so far. Its starting off good. Night two of insomnia produced about six more hastily scribbled down sceneage for STTA. Including one scene I’ve rewritten about four times now. Which version makes it to the final manuscript, still don’t … Continue reading