Crazy Week

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Can you tell the type of week I’ve had?

Its been a weird one. I heard some people say maybe because of the eclipse. Could be. I just know things were odd lol

On the good news side, Chey’s story got its first request :o) Yay woohoo and mega mega happy dance. Used my 25 word high concept pitch from the workshop this month and it sounded interesting to agent A, so get to email a partial next week. Its been so long since I’ve had anything out there, I’m a little nervous. Plus its the first story I’ve written first person… so yeah. But I’m excited too. :o)

Signed up for one workshop next month. Debated on whether or not to take it, but its on writing YA so I thought why not? Though I will never take 3 in a month again. Its just way too chaotic.

I can’t believe its the end of August all ready. Its like where has the time gone? I’m busy collecting flower seeds every morning and some of the flowers still haven’t bloomed. Or budded even which makes me scratch my head. I mean I know I planted early June but c’mon.

What’s everyone looking forward to about September? Me… hmmm, only taking one workshop lol And the return of tv shows. The preview for Desperate Housewives looks pretty good

4 Replies to “Crazy Week”

  1. My week has been pretty wierd too. No, not wierd, just plain shitty. It could well be the eclipse, it does do funny things to people. This year has gone incredibly fast, I agree with you. It’ll be Christmas again soon (no doubt I’ll be single long before then)

  2. The past week was full of crazy people! Complete lunatics. And I think “Lunar” is the root of that word for a very good reason! At least if that’s the case, I can look forward to fewer crazies this next week!

    Congrats on teh request!!

  3. You took THREE onlines at once? You are a brave woman!

    Congrats on the request. That’s great news. 🙂

    My week has been full of the flu. I think I’d rather it been chaotic and crazy. 😉

    Must go see the new Canuck’s jersey. I’m not holding my breath. I’ll take your word for it.

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