Livingston daisies, night scented stock, dwarf morning glories

And its a…

No.The rejection letter on Something To Talk About came this afternoon. Which explains why there wasn’t an email back I guess. It was a personal rejection, not a form (which woulda scarred me after 20 weeks). They thanked me for my patience (and so do … Continue readingAnd its a…

Did it…

Just emailed…or rather filled in the contact us form at the richmond website. Panic set in after I hit send, wondering if I’d highlighted the right department on the pull down menu. Fingers crossed I did. If not, the subject: enquiry: manuscript status should hopefully … Continue readingDid it…


Food for thought… On my usual blog tour today, I stumbled across at entry at Nadia’s blog: dated September 11th. I think this just sorta gave me the wake up I needed. Back in the days of my ‘other’ writing, it was so easy to … Continue readingInteresting…


Just hit the halfway point on Trouble. Will commence printing tonight or tomorrow and try to find my opening and layer it out. Its pretty rough in most parts, and probably’s gonna need another round of revisions before I start breaking it into chapters but … Continue readingHalfway


I’m debating whether to print out the half draft of Trouble and edit and add that way or wait till I hit closer to the 58-60k and print then. But my biggest hurdle of all is the opening. Most of the time I’m good with … Continue readingOpenings…

I can’t think of a snappy title for the blog today. I hit 19 weeks today and next week barring any envelopes/packages arriving in the next 4 days that’ll make 20. Now I checked the UK thread and they say after no word at 20 … Continue reading


I can’t believe its September already. Where did the summer go? Yikes. I wanted to spend more time out in the sun and write in the backyard. Neither of those happened. Guess I should hope September has better and warmer weather than August and I … Continue readingSeptember…